Sunday school is our time of the week to gather as a body to receive biblical instruction from gifted teachers of the church. The content of the classes vary from season to season, from studies of specific books of the Bible, to theological classes on central doctrines of the Christian faith, to topical studies that wrestle through practical issues or ideas from a biblical worldview. Regardless of the subject, you can expect that the Scriptures will be respected as the sufficient and final authority for all saving knowledge, faith, and obedience. We desire nothing more than for our Sunday school to profit the people of God by the increase of their faith through God’s most holy and sure word. We invite you to join us!


— Classes begin at 9:30 am —

Adult classes:

The Fear of Man (An Equipping the Church series)

Teacher(s): Adam Jacobs (Teaching Elder)

High School (9th-12th):

*Joining the adult class above*

Middle School (6th-8th):

Theology 101: Revelation and the Attributes of God (Summer)

Teacher(s): Ronnie Spicer and Damon Timoldi (Elder)

Elementary School (4th-5th):

Old and New Testament Survey

Teacher(s): Gary Becker and Jacob Gaeta

Elementary School (Toddler, Pre-K, K-1st, 2nd-3rd):

Bible-in-Life by David C. Cook


Regina Moran and Jennifer Bujno (Toddler)

Karen Miller (Pre-K)

Ann Newton and Lisa Mullikin (K-1st)

Robyn Wilson and Sharon Kewer (2nd-3rd)